Thursday, 30 June 2011

Happy knitters at Jolie

I just popped into the gorgeous little shop, Jolie in Walkern to be greeted by a happy group of ladies who were knitting whilst drinking tea and eating biscuits.  Pure bliss!  How I would have loved to join them... perhaps soon!?

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

I just love this manifesto 'From Britain With Love"

It pretty much sums up what me and my Little House are all about!

If you're a believer too then please visit my website and the lovely one created for From Britain With Love for more inspiration!

Beautifully handmade beach huts!

Thank you to everyone who came to my Mrs B's Buttons party last night. I'm so happy with my string of beautifully made beach huts - I can't wait to hang them up!

If you haven't already heard about this great little business set up by two very talented and lovely mums, please click here!

Sunday, 26 June 2011

My new shelf!

I love my new shelf from Alison Capeling! I can definitely recommend this lovely company based in Cornwall. Alison was so helpful and very kindly agreed to make this according to my needs. It's only a little thing but it looks very pretty in my kitchen, oh and it's a great place to hang things too!!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Rhubarb & Elderflowers - a sweet treat!

After my delicious Elderflower Cordial last year I was unable to buy the Citric Acid that I needed to make it again (it seems that everyone's making it this year!!!), so I had to search for new and exciting ways to use the sweet-smelling flowers.

I have a fantastic book called 'From Mother to Daughter' which has some simple ideas for country living, including a recipe for Rhubarb & Elderflower Jam.

This was perfect, as whilst the elderflowers were blooming along the hedgerows around us our farm box also arrived with freshly picked rhubarb!

This jam is superb, especially on warmed scones and cream!!

What a treat!