Monday, 13 December 2010

Jack Frost

Whilst we seem to be having a little break from the freezing cold weather, it's hard to believe that this time last week my garden, and shed, were covered in frost.

The lawn was crunchy for days and everything was a magical, glistening white. It was like living in Narnia.

Let's hope there's another sprinkling of frost, or even snow, before Christmas.

Merry Christmas and thank you to everyone for all your support! x

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Make... Orange and Clove Pomanders

It was so cold yesterday that my children and I decided to stay indoors, keep warm and make these sweet smelling, Orange and Clove Pomanders, which are now sitting happily in my kitchen.

They're so easy to make and smell seriously festive.

Create a design by piercing holes into your orange and then push a clove into each hole.