After a recent visit to
Church Farm for a Herbal Remedies evening, I thought I'd share my notes with you and pass on a great recipe for making oils which can be used for your skin.
How to make a herb oil...
Sterilise a suitable jar (preferably dark glass) and chop up your chosen herb before almost filling the jar. Add some good quality Sunflower or Olive Oil. Press the herbs down using a wooden spoon to get rid of any air bubbles. Put the lid on and store in a dark place and remember to give it a stir every day for the first two weeks, and then once a week for another 2-3 weeks. Finally filter the oil into suitable jars or bottles and apply to your skin as and when you need to.
Here are just a few oils to choose from! For more ideas, scour second hand book shops for great books about Herbs!
Aloe Vera: Stomach ailments, colon cleansing (eat it or rub on skin)
Basil: Digestion, antiseptic
Comfrey: Soothing, healing, good for the complexion
Echinacea: Immunity
Feverfew: Headaches
Ginger: Energising
Lavender: Relaxing. Oil good in baths.