Pick 25 Elderflower heads and rinse them. You then need 3 litres of boiling hot water and a big bowl. Pour the water into the bowl, along with 900g of granulated sugar and 50g of Citric Acid (from your local chemist) and leave it to dissolve and cool. Then add your Elderflower heads and some lemons. Cover and leave it for 24 hours, then strain it before pouring the syrup into sterilised bottles.
Now all you have to do is pour some into a glass, add some water and drink it! And if you have some bottles spare, why not give one to a loved one as a special gift.
Tip: If you're not sure what Elderflowers look like, click here.
I hear my sister when strawberry picking at Bury Lane Farm Shop and made jam at the weekend too. I'm hoping to try that on some scones later on in the week. Our Grandma who was a keen jam maker would have been very proud.